Thursday, May 05, 2005

Around Yerevan

Thursday I had the day off as I’m still figuring out exactly where I’ll be volunteering. I spent the day exploring Yerevan. I really like the city, and I’ve been struck by how developed it is. Armenia has experienced incredible economic growth and Yerevan is largely responsible for the majority of that growth. In fact, one of the main development problems in Armenia is that the villages outside of Yerevan have not felt the effects of Yerevan’s prosperity.

The picture above is from the Cascade, which is a huge staircase that rises to the height of a 30 story building. There is still quite a bit of construction going on, and a modern art museum will be opening at the top in 2006. Also notice in the picture the view of Mt. Ararat. Ararat is located in modern Turkey, but has long been a symbol of the Armenians.

Tomorrow is my first day at Jinj environmental consulting and Saturday AVC is headed to Nagorno-Karabagh for the weekend.


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